Welcome to The Largest Publicly-held Studio in New England!
That’s right!
Dedham Television’s main studio is HUGE!
How huge?
Our 502 Sprague Street Studio features:
Over 48,000 cubic feet of sound stage space!
- 9 feet high loading bay doors (10 feet wide when opened) with direct access from the outside to the sound stage!
- 50+ overhead lights including: High Bays, IKANS, fill lights, and tripod mounted high-intensity LEDs.
- A ninety-foot wrap-around green screen wall that extends to the studio floor for another 200 square feet of green screen!
- A 10 foot high loft for overhead shots!
- thousands of square feet of soundproof walls!
- A dedicated makeup room.
- A green room (actually blue).
- Thousands of square feet of black, blue, and off-white theater wrap-around curtains for light-bleed prevention!
- Parking for over 40 vehicles including oversized film/TV production trailers.
- Office and conference room space.
- A full-featured kitchen.
- Facilities, equipment and props storage, and more!

Videocom V.P. of Engineering, Charles W. Lynch, directs the crew on an important client commercial shoot!
This amazing studio was built from the ground up in 1970 as a television studio and was used by Videocom of the Americas (originally formed by a group of former Boston Channel 5 producers and engineers, now a Brazilian-based company) to produce television commercials for such big companies as Jordan Marsh, Filenes, Enrie Boch Jr Automotive Dealerships, and more!
At one point, the 502 Sprague Street Studio had 14 satellite dishes broadcasting thousands of hours of programming including New England Patriots games from the old Foxborough Stadium and new Gillette Stadium!
Hollywood also had its eye on this studio back in the 1970s when the cast and crew for Giligan’s Island shot here for 13 days!
The rich and storied history of this great little studio also includes two very famous politicians: Senator Edward Kennedy of Massachusetts, and former Democratic Presidential Candidate and Governor of Maine Edmund Muskie, who shot many of their campaign commercials here!
Over the years, the studio had gone through several transformations as the entire broadcast industry moved from film and videotape to digital video.
One of our most dramatic transformations was the creation of our new Media Engagement Center (The MEC for short)!
Originally, the space was used as a film preservation and storage library, complete with very extensive environmental controls. However, upon the beginnings of the videotape and digital video age, this space was mostly used for storage until 2014 when it was converted to The MEC.
The 502 Sprague Street Studio (which includes The Studio, The MEC, function rooms, and offices was occupied back in August of 2012 by the Dedham Visionary Access Corporation—the non-profit holding company for Dedham Television.
With the marriage of Dedham Television and the 502 Sprague Street Studio, Dedham TV has become the only cable access company in New England to boast a state-of-the-art studio on a scale that no other cable access entity in the region has!

Being ‘the largest publicly-held studio in New England’ does have its advantages! With over 48,000 square feet of studio space—you can shoot anything here!
So it was a divine coincidence when Dedham TV needed a grand new space to expand its operations into that was both local and had everything to offer as far a broadcasting facility is concerned (and since Fox 25 News occupies the only other studio in the Town of Dedham Massachusetts on Fox Drive), the 502 Sprague Street Studio was a perfect match for Dedham Television!
Today, The Studio and The Media Engagement Center make up the core of the business resources that drive Dedham Television’s enterprises into the 21st Century of broadcast media, Internet video-streaming, and Business-To-Business video production and professional services.
The Studio is also home to many fine shows and special programs that are produced by Dedham Television (in whole or in association with). Shows such as PSYCHIC VOICES where live-audience participation is a hallmark of the program. Or, 502 SESSIONS where live-performance music depends on great acoustics and ambient sound control.
Our studio also provides the following:
- Over 100 removable audience seats.
- Background and lighting panels with different shades, styles, and colors.
- Props and tables for all kinds of events like political debates and panel discussions.
- Overhead rigging for special uses.
- And direct digital broadcast and video-streaming access to our Over-the-Air (OTA) Broadcast Booth and Internet.
The Broadcast Booth, i.e. Control Room
Dedham Television has invested considerable time, money, and training into upgrading our Broadcast Booth/Control Room to not only bring it up to 21st Century standards but also to provide a Hollywood-level of production value without the Hollywood price tag!

Dedham TV of the present day runs Broadcast Pix, UStream, video-on-demand, HD video-streaming, and so much more! Our Broadcast Booth is a hub of broadcast and streaming digital video!
Here a few of the new and improved features of our State-of-the-art Control Room:
- Two giant NASA-like video monitors for live-feed real-time program broadcasts.
- The latest television digital broadcast production platform with HD quality video-streaming and more.
- Broadcasting OTA on three major cable access providers: Comcast, Verizon, and RCN (RCN HD broadcasting as well).
- Digital Simulcasting technology or DigiSim for Internet broadcasting of OTA programs concurrently.
- UStream SD/HD live video streaming of any in-studio production, all managed with real-time graphics and overlays from the Control Room.
- DVD dubbing and legacy media transcoding technologies easily transferred to our broadcast systems.
And more!
If you want to produce your feature or short film/TV show, webisode, commercial, or training video you will find no better place to shoot it than at Dedham Television’s 502 Sprague Street Studio!
Click on the gallery images below to see more of the 502 Sprague Street Studio!